sanitary condition 6.25   There are no sanitary conditions.
  sanitary facility 2.24   Sanitary facilities are almost nonexistent, Popov said.
  sanitary standard 0.92   The sanitary standard is... deplorably low.
  sanitary control 0.86   Sanitary controls on school lunches, believed to have been the cause of the recent outbreak, will also be imposed.
  sanitary measure 0.86   Police suspect Snow Brand failed to take necessary sanitary measures at its plants resulting in the food poisoning.
  sanitary equipment 0.59   France is going to send food and sanitary equipment to the camp very shortly, Leotard said.
  sanitary official 0.46   New procedures for washing the returnable bottles were tested with Polish sanitary officials watching, Soutus said.
  sanitary sewer 0.46   It affects sanitary sewer.
  sanitary ware 0.46   The sanitary ware market is therefore likely to see a surplus of goods in the market.
  sanitary practice 0.39   Irradiation is one step, but does not make other sanitary practices any less important.
  sanitary pad 0.33   It already makes Always and Whisper sanitary pads.
  sanitary paper 0.33   The increase in the core rate was due to cigarette and sanitary paper products.
  sanitary regulation 0.33   Under that plan, the Netherlands Antilles authorities would have insisted that they have jabs as part of new sanitary regulations.
  sanitary situation 0.33   The general sanitary situation in Gorazde seemed reasonably satisfactory.
  sanitary violation 0.33   The plant has been closed for sanitary violations, Voloshin said Thursday.
  sanitary concern 0.26   Moscow cited sanitary concerns.
  sanitary inspection 0.26   Department spokesman Ignacio Lara said Mexico has no sanitary inspection for exported fruit and other commodities.
  sanitary inspector 0.26   Ogorodnikov said sanitary inspectors had found no violations in an inspection three weeks before the closing.
  sanitary problem 0.26   The report also highlighted sanitary problems.
  sanitary procedure 0.26   She said the city also is evaluating sanitary procedures in shops that do permanent body piercing.
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