sandy beach 8.10   Miles of sandy beaches.
  sandy soil 5.53   Sandy soil.
  sandy hair 1.65   He dyed his sandy hair auburn.
  sandy bottom 1.51   Their parade across the sandy bottom amuses me.
  sandy loam 0.92   A sandy loam is ideal, and good drainage is a must.
  sandy path 0.86   We have to keep our eyes on the sandy path.
  sandy bank 0.66   I wondered if the kingfisher still nested in the sandy banks there.
  sandy shore 0.66   The sandy shore has hotel developments at one end.
  sandy road 0.59   On a sandy road, he found a gaucho.
  sandy track 0.59   A girl wandered across the sandy riding track.
  sandy area 0.53   The oil was relatively simple to pick up in sandy areas.
  sandy earth 0.46   With its extreme climate and sandy earth, Hesperia would be, he felt, a good laboratory.
  sandy hill 0.46   Others perch on the sides of sandy hills.
  sandy street 0.39   The smell of sewage hangs in the warm air, and debris litters the sandy streets.
  sandy floor 0.33   Except that the ball rolled across the sandy floor.
  sandy wash 0.33   It pours down the mountains and into the sandy washes and canyons.
  sandy base 0.26   With its sandy base, Shinnecock drained quickly.
  sandy bay 0.26   Here the east coast is bleak and low, and the spume-filled sea lashes the sandy bay.
  sandy bed 0.26   Today, the river snakes a narrow winding path down the middle of a vast sandy bed.
  sandy bluff 0.26   A mile past the interstate, the river bends sharply to the right and there it is, a sandy bluff.
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