rwandan refugee 44.96   --WILSON NDABATEZE, a Rwandan refugee in Zaire.
  rwandan government 32.19   The Rwandan government countered with pre-emptory strikes.
  rwandan soldier 16.59   Last month, he expelled Rwandan soldiers.
  rwandan army 16.26   Rwandan army integrates Hutus to defeat rebels.
  rwandan troop 11.72   Rwandan troops stayed out of the fighting.
  rwandan capital 11.13   They were due to be taken on to the Rwandan capital Kigali.
  rwandan official 10.99   But Rwandan officials disagreed.
  rwandan authority 8.49   Rwandan authorities,
  rwandan border 8.10   Bukavu is near the Rwandan border.
  rwandan rebel 5.20   Rwandan rebels attack tourist camp, kill three people.
  rwandan genocide 4.87   The Rwandan genocide is not reworked.
  rwandan leader 3.49   Rwandan leader blames colonialism for massacres.
  rwandan force 2.76   Rwandan forces returned the fire.
  rwandan court 2.63   U.N. chief fires two Rwandan court officials.
  rwandan radio 2.57   The proceedings were also simulcast on Rwandan radio.
  rwandan side 1.71   Still, disengagement is far ahead on the Rwandan side.
  rwandan ally 1.38   The rest remains under control of rebels and their Rwandan military allies.
  rwandan minister 1.25   An elderly Rwandan minister is in custody in Texas.
  rwandan military 1.12   But he suspects the Rwandan military, led by the Tutsi ethnic group.
  rwandan officer 1.12   Bizimana is the first former Rwandan officer to stand trial.
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