rupture tendon 1.45   Barkley retired last month after rupturing a tendon in his left leg.
  rupture ligament 0.66   He ruptured a ligament in his left elbow in April.
  rupture disc 0.59   Payne ruptured the disc a few weeks ago.
  rupture line 0.46   The authorities said a construction crew laying fiber-optic cable accidentally ruptured the line, releasing gas into the air.
  rupture pipe 0.46   High water pressure ruptured the pipe.
  rupture spleen 0.46   His spleen was ruptured and he sustained other internal injuries.
  rupture disk 0.39   Then, last summer, she ruptured a disk in her back.
  rupture pipeline 0.39   They could rupture a pipeline.
  rupture liver 0.33   The impact ruptured his liver.
  rupture tank 0.33   But experts predict that a landslide would rupture chlorine tanks.
  rupture artery 0.26   Ruptured artery.
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