running game 63.00   Bad running game.
  running water 39.24   Expensive running water.
  running battle 6.52   Troops opened fire as running battles developed.
  running play 5.60   Any running play.
  running commentary 4.28   Just imagine her running commentary!
  running style 3.69   We have two different running styles.
  running time 3.62   Running time.
  running joke 3.23   It became a running joke.
  running attack 3.16   What the Titans do need to change is their running attack.
  running cost 2.70   Administration and running costs were reduced.
  running team 2.70   A running player on a running team.
  running feud 2.44   He inflamed his running feuds.
  running catch 2.11   But he made two running catches in the third inning to strand a runner.
  running gag 1.91   Angling became a running gag.
  running room 1.65   Neither side is giving Clinton any running room.
  running buddy 1.58   My theory is the female influence of my running buddy.
  running ability 1.38   He has very deceiving running ability.
  running threat 1.38   Gilkey is a running threat as well.
  running career 1.32   But the Intifada almost ended his running career.
  running program 1.32   I have a running program.
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