rump state 1.58   The rump Yugoslav state consists of Serbia and Montenegro.
  rump convention 0.39   At a rump convention Hagelin won.
  rump government 0.39   They arrived aboard a plane chartered by the rump Yugoslav government, tribunal spokesman Christian Chartier said.
  rump roast 0.39   Good winter buys include rump roast, eye round and pork chops.
  rump federation 0.33   All three are still at large in Serbia and Montenegro, the two republics now making up rump federation.
  rump army 0.26   Some Southern states passed laws after the Civil War to prevent rump Confederate armies.
  rump congress 0.26   Suryadi ousted Megawati as party chief at a rump congress organized by the government in June.
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  rump steak 0.26   Termites, more nutritious than rump steak!
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