romantic comedy 19.09   A perfectly adorable romantic comedy.
  romantic relationship 8.49   It was a romantic relationship.
  romantic love 5.00   Romantic love is fine.
  romantic interest 3.29   Nor are there any new romantic interests in her life.
  romantic notion 2.96   Everyone seemed drawn to this romantic notion.
  romantic lead 2.76   He still looked like a romantic lead.
  romantic fantasy 2.04   Is there any difference between his romantic fantasy and hers?
  romantic image 1.97   It was hardly the romantic image of red deer!
  romantic view 1.71   But this is a romantic view.
  romantic life 1.38   He says his current romantic life is hardly newsworthy.
  romantic music 1.38   Romantic music.
  romantic ballad 1.25   Even on romantic ballads, soloists tended to demonstrate a brawny sensitivity.
  romantic hero 1.25   Terry, after all, is no romantic hero.
  romantic drama 1.18   Want a romantic drama about starting over?
  romantic involvement 1.18   Romantic involvement?
  romantic poet 1.18   Jagger also shows his romantic poet side in greater detail.
  romantic feeling 1.12   She had romantic feelings for him.
  romantic partner 1.12   Romantic partners can become jealous of friends, too.
  romantic affair 1.05   Mapplethorpe was far less successful in his romantic affairs.
  romantic attachment 1.05   Romantic attachments did not feature on her agenda.
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