roll eye 35.35   Adam rolls his eyes.
  roll die 9.02   Roll the dice.
  roll ball 6.45   Roll a ball into them.
  roll dough 3.62   Roll dough to pan size.
  roll sleeve 1.91   Roll your sleeves up and get stuck in!
  roll blackout 1.65   In both cases, officials said, those measures were all that prevented rolling blackouts.
  roll ankle 1.32   A user can also roll his ankles to tilt the footrests from side to side.
  roll car 1.18   Peterson said the car was rolled out simply to get attention.
  roll window 1.18   I got into the car and tried to roll the window up.
  roll hill 1.05   The Turtle Mountains north of Rugby are really just rolling hills.
  roll head 0.92   He also rolls his head.
  roll piece 0.92   Roll each piece into a ball.
  roll tortilla 0.92   Roll up tortilla.
  roll cigarette 0.86   Then he rolled a cigarette.
  roll putt 0.86   Daniel went first and rolled her putt in.
  roll product 0.79   It hopes to roll out products using the new technology by the end of the year.
  roll service 0.79   The service was first rolled out in Detroit last year.
  roll tank 0.79   Tanks rolled up, soldiers hopped out, the truncheons started flying.
  roll cigar 0.72   In a corner, cigars were rolled by hand.
  roll gain 0.72   No tax is due when the owner rolls his or her gain into a higher-priced home.
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