rogue state 11.52   Take rogue states.
  rogue nation 5.40   New fears or rogue nations will take over.
  rogue trader 3.16   Accused rogue trader charged.
  rogue agent 1.84   But, they say, it was by rogue agents acting on their own.
  rogue element 1.71   I do not believe it was rogue elements in the security forces.
  rogue cop 1.45   For Weaver, rogue cops must be stopped.
  rogue regime 1.32   There are other ways to punish rogue regimes.
  rogue program 1.25   Treuhaft said the risk of rogue Java programs is slight.
  rogue protein 1.25   The rogue protein is called a prion.
  rogue officer 0.99   His cooperation, in turn, helped catch other rogue officers.
  rogue elephant 0.92   It is now a rogue elephant.
  rogue group 0.79   In addition, several rogue groups have been operating in the West Bank and Gaza.
  rogue province 0.79   China considers Taiwan a rogue province.
  rogue operation 0.72   This is no rogue operation by crazed right-wingers.
  rogue employee 0.66   And the threat of rogue employees is very real.
  rogue wave 0.66   A rogue wave swamped the boat.
  rogue policeman 0.59   President Fidel Ramos last week admitted that rogue policemen were hampering the anti-crime drive.
  rogue soldier 0.59   The Taliban said rogue soldiers acting on their own were responsible.
  rogue country 0.53   Weldon said the United States faces a threat from rogue Third World countries.
  rogue commander 0.46   Continuing sporadic violence is often blamed on rogue field commanders or bandits.
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