rise follow 6.58   Bond prices rose following the repo tender.
  rise become 5.40   He rose to become chairman of the company.
  rise record 3.55   Each rose to record highs.
  rise speak 2.44   People rose to speak.
  rise be 2.30   He rose to be a great captain of industry.
  rise leave 1.38   She rises to leave.
  rise meet 1.25   So they rose to meet it.
  rise greet 0.79   He smiled and rose to greet them.
  rise lead 0.79   The main TURKISH stock index rose led by tourism related companies.
  rise make 0.79   Then the Earl Spencer rose to make his tribute.
  rise give 0.72   But when he finished, the audience rose to give him a standing ovation.
  rise take 0.72   I rose to take my leave.
  rise challenge 0.66   Lately, Forbes has risen to challenge him.
  rise head 0.66   Racing struck again when defender Gabriel Schurrer rose to head home a cross.
  rise reflect 0.59   Consumer prices have started to rise to reflect the weakened ruble.
  rise say 0.53   Others also rose to say they had been hit by legal expenses.
  rise applaud 0.46   The film is over, and people rise to applaud.
  rise near 0.46   Day temperatures will rise to near or slightly above seasonal levels.
  rise address 0.39   The Archon rose to address the awaiting masses.
  rise attract 0.39   Interest rates in the United States would rise to attract capital.
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