rioter burn 2.83   The rioters also burned tires.
  rioter throw 2.63   Rioters threw rocks.
  rioter be 2.17   The rioters were mostly teen-agers.
  rioter set 2.04   The rioters then set the vehicles ablaze.
  rioter attack 1.38   As violence intensified, rioters attacked police with firebombs.
  rioter torch 1.32   |100554262,100596496,200682346,411299266,411299267,411587793,411741532,414574299,500570510,500633961,500712985,503098677,503098689,503098690,503887514,505037343,505037344,505341183,506187331,506188515
  rioter hurl 0.99   Rioters hurled petrol and acid bombs at police.
  rioter smash 0.92   Other rioters smashed windows of a five-star hotel, The Marmara.
  rioter take 0.72   Some rioters took up positions on rooftops and dropped stones Israel troops.
  rioter break 0.66   Rioters broke some church windows.
  rioter open 0.53   Some rioters opened fire on police, wounding some officers.
  rioter pelt 0.53   Rioters pelted stones at buildings and vehicles.
  rioter clash 0.46   The rioters also clashed near a city school.
  rioter damage 0.46   Two police vehicles also were damaged by rioters, he said.
  rioter demand 0.46   The rioters demanded that four other gang members be transferred to Usak.
  rioter destroy 0.46   The lawless rioters were destroying everything in sight.
  rioter target 0.46   It was unclear whether the papers were targeted by rioters.
  rioter rape 0.39   There were widespread reports that rioters raped dozens of Chinese women.
  rioter run 0.39   About half the rioters ran back to their blocks after warning shots were fired.
  rioter begin 0.33   When the supply was cut completely Monday, rioters began stoning housing and vehicles.
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