rigid rule 3.29   Like any other sport, hockey has rigid rules.
  rigid structure 1.78   It means less rigid structures in planning.
  rigid system 1.78   The rigid communist political system remains intact.
  rigid body 1.51   His arms swept around her rigid body.
  rigid control 1.38   The regime subjects its citizens to rigid controls.
  rigid form 1.38   The Taliban has imposed a rigid form of Islamic rule on areas under its control.
  rigid labor 1.25   The companies blame rigid labor laws and growing taxes.
  rigid schedule 0.99   He does his best to maintain a rigid schedule.
  rigid standard 0.99   But it is the military that has the most rigid standards.
  rigid discipline 0.92   It was a life of rigid discipline.
  rigid code 0.86   We should seriously look at modifying this rigid code of dress.
  rigid hierarchy 0.86   We needed flexibility, but kept rigid hierarchies.
  rigid law 0.79   Businesses come up against obstacles from rigid labour laws and getting long-term bank credit.
  rigid policy 0.79   The United States may now have a less rigid policy.
  rigid quota 0.79   He decreed rigid racial quotas in faculty and administrative hiring.
  rigid insulation 0.72   Would rigid insulation be OK to insert?
  rigid requirement 0.66   However, before deducting any home office expenses, you must meet rigid requirements.
  rigid stance 0.66   There was no response but the rigid stance seemed to soften a fraction.
  rigid work 0.66   Economists often blame high German labor costs and rigid work rules for the jobs crisis.
  rigid class 0.59   Britain had a very rigid class structure.
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