rhetoric be 8.43   The rhetoric is history.
  rhetoric heat_up 0.72   The rhetoric heated up over the v-word.
  rhetoric make 0.72   Such rhetoric makes for a lively debate.
  rhetoric continue 0.66   The rhetoric continued to flow, however.
  rhetoric become 0.59   The rhetoric must become reality.
  rhetoric cool 0.59   Rhetoric cooled for a few months.
  rhetoric grow 0.59   The rhetoric was growing heated.
  rhetoric seem 0.59   It was so hot, political rhetoric seemed cool.
  rhetoric come 0.53   The harsh rhetoric came after a hopeful day.
  rhetoric change 0.46   The rhetoric has changed ever so slightly.
  rhetoric turn 0.46   At times, the rhetoric turned hostile.
  rhetoric get 0.39   Lately the rhetoric has been getting even worse.
  rhetoric suggest 0.39   To some longtime readers, such rhetoric suggests the magazine has sold out.
  rhetoric take 0.39   But later Wednesday the rhetoric took a political spin.
  rhetoric alienate 0.33   But his fiery rhetoric has alienated fellow Andean leaders.
  rhetoric escalate 0.33   The rhetoric escalated.
  rhetoric help 0.33   Long-winded rhetoric will not help get their message across.
  rhetoric begin 0.26   But the rhetoric has begun to take on a life of its own.
  rhetoric have 0.26   This sacrificial rhetoric had a long tradition.
  rhetoric lead 0.26   Security officials warned Rabin that the violent rhetoric could lead to violent acts.
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