revenge attack 21.53   French officials fear revenge attacks.
  revenge killing 7.11   But there was no revenge killing.
  revenge factor 1.05   Call it the revenge factor.
  revenge fantasy 0.72   This is a revenge fantasy.
  revenge campaign 0.66   Local Serbs said the blazes were part of an intensifying revenge campaign by Albanians.
  revenge motive 0.59   Doyle insists there was no revenge motive.
  revenge bombing 0.53   More revenge bombings could now be expected, he added.
  revenge operation 0.53   Many fall into the category of revenge operations against the civilian population.
  revenge game 0.39   But this is not a revenge game for McNown.
  revenge tragedy 0.26   I think right now Israelis and Palestinians are living out a revenge tragedy.
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