retract statement 10.07   He has retracted that statement.
  retract confession 4.21   They later retracted confessions.
  retract remark 4.02   He later retracted the remark.
  retract story 3.09   Moments later, Interfax retracts the story.
  retract comment 2.30   But he has refused to retract the comment.
  retract allegation 2.24   Both Ummi and Azizan retracted their allegations.
  retract report 2.24   The report was later retracted.
  retract claim 2.11   The claim was retracted Thursday.
  retract concession 1.25   Then Gore retracted the concession.
  retract accusation 1.05   His accuser later retracted the accusation.
  retract decision 0.92   Hong Kong Telecommunications later retracted the decision.
  retract resignation 0.86   Party leaders persuaded him to retract the resignation.
  retract announcement 0.66   Israel retracts announcement of cease-fire declaration.
  retract charge 0.59   A former seminarian accused Bernadin of molesting him, but later retracted the charge.
  retract demand 0.59   With markets continuing to plummet, Kim retracted the demand.
  retract testimony 0.59   He later retracted his testimony.
  retract threat 0.59   The prosecutors had earlier retracted a threat to take out the warrants Wednesday.
  retract offer 0.53   He retracted the offer Tuesday.
  retract article 0.46   She asked that Stanford require Nezhat to retract the article.
  retract call 0.46   Hours later, they all retracted that call.
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