retain control 41.87   It was vital to retain control.
  retain right 20.93   Image will retain home video rights.
  retain title 16.85   He will retain the title.
  retain power 15.08   He retains power and expects to return next year.
  retain post 10.60   He will retain that post.
  retain position 8.36   He is due to retain the position for two years.
  retain seat 6.78   It failed to retain any seats.
  retain ownership 5.66   Schott will retain ownership.
  retain job 5.46   But that vision may not help her retain her job.
  retain name 4.67   The agency will retain its name.
  retain employee 4.48   Trained employees must be retained.
  retain customer 4.34   Keeping prices low helps to retain customers.
  retain place 4.34   Cooperstown has retained its place as a shrine.
  retain lawyer 3.82   Lawyers have been retained.
  retain influence 3.75   But he retains enormous influence.
  retain lead 3.49   Dole retains the lead.
  retain worker 3.42   He said such a move would help retain workers.
  retain moisture 3.36   It retains moisture, too.
  retain authority 3.29   But the king retains complete authority.
  retain option 3.23   The airline retains an option to buy the aircraft.
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