responsibility be 16.98   And there was responsibility.
  responsibility lie 4.67   Where, then, does responsibility lie?
  responsibility include 3.82   His responsibilities include immigration.
  responsibility come 2.17   With it, comes responsibility.
  responsibility fall 2.17   That responsibility falls to the airlines.
  responsibility rest 2.11   All the responsibility rests on her shoulders.
  responsibility have 1.25   The responsibility to stockholders has to be honored.
  responsibility go 0.99   Responsibility goes with becoming a father.
  responsibility make 0.86   Responsibility makes you more realistic, more compromising.
  responsibility change 0.66   Certain responsibilities will change.
  responsibility belong 0.59   Beyond that, the responsibility for security belonged to the Saudis.
  responsibility extend 0.53   Responsibility for rot extends widely.
  responsibility mean 0.53   His new responsibilities at work mean Leroy will rarely see his children.
  responsibility become 0.46   The responsibility has become burdensome.
  responsibility begin 0.46   Responsibility begins with the individual.
  responsibility remain 0.46   So the responsibility remains with the states, which have done such a bad job.
  responsibility do 0.39   And they feel a responsibility to do so.
  responsibility help 0.39   The added responsibility has helped him to put life in perspective.
  responsibility involve 0.39   Few investors may yet realize just what this responsibility involves.
  responsibility keep 0.39   So,my responsibilities kept changing and work continued to be challenging allthe time.
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