respiratory problem 25.35   Half the traffic cops have respiratory problems.
  respiratory infection 17.25   I get upper respiratory infections.
  respiratory failure 9.94   Banda died of respiratory failure.
  respiratory ailment 7.04   Coughs and respiratory ailments soared.
  respiratory illness 6.91   Maybe respiratory illness.
  respiratory disease 6.39   The cause was respiratory disease, the family said.
  respiratory tract 5.07   Rafter is suffering from a respiratory tract infection.
  respiratory distress 2.11   Severe respiratory distress quickly follows.
  respiratory therapist 1.58   Recently, her son, a respiratory therapist, suggested melatonin.
  respiratory condition 1.38   People with existing respiratory conditions.
  respiratory symptom 1.32   The respiratory symptoms are its main indication for use.
  respiratory difficulty 1.12   It can cause muscular paralysis and respiratory difficulties.
  respiratory disorder 0.92   The company also designs devices for treating sleep and respiratory disorders.
  respiratory therapy 0.86   She was receiving respiratory therapy, or chest massages.
  respiratory arrest 0.79   It applies only if cardiac or respiratory arrest occurs.
  respiratory complication 0.72   Ernest Nkomo was officially said to have died of respiratory complications.
  respiratory support 0.66   The other had multiple injuries and was on respiratory support, it added.
  respiratory virus 0.66   It looks like an upper respiratory virus.
  respiratory irritation 0.59   Volcanic ash can cause eye and respiratory irritations.
  respiratory rate 0.59   Do you have a quick respiratory rate and little use of the diaphragm?
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