resistant strain 4.02   Resistant strains are going to stay there?
  resistant bacterium 2.17   All were infected with highly resistant bacteria.
  resistant virus 1.38   Missing just a few doses allows resistant viruses to grow explosively.
  resistant variety 0.92   Consider resistant varieties.
  resistant form 0.72   Missing a few can let the virus mutate into forms resistant to the drugs.
  resistant infection 0.53   Twenty-five percent of the patients had infections resistant to penicillin.
  resistant bug 0.46   For already, in clinical trials, bugs resistant to Synercid have already appeared.
  resistant microbe 0.46   The resistant microbes they create can spread to humans.
  resistant insect 0.39   But because any pesticide spurs the emergence of resistant insects, some scientists say tougher bugs are inevitable in the long run.
  resistant crop 0.33   Crops more resistant to salt need to be developed if the trend is to be reversed, Blumwald said.
  resistant plant 0.26   Scientists in Japan have also successfully bred rice plants resistant to the red stripe virus.
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