residence permit 12.05   They have temporary residence permits.
  residence hall 4.15   Three new residence halls.
  residence compound 1.84   Conditions in the residence compound appeared to improve.
  residence status 1.58   Some others have limited residence status and jobs.
  residence paper 1.38   None of his family has residence papers.
  residence right 0.59   Moves are under way in Congress to accord him and his family permanent residence rights.
  residence order 0.53   But it is obviously undesirable to have exparte residence orders other than very occasionally.
  residence requirement 0.53   But Federal judges say residence requirements interfere with the right to travel.
  residence card 0.46   The second measure will give limited duration residence cards to those with temporary residence permits.
  residence program 0.46   Athletes are tested for drugs when they check into the residence programs.
  residence area 0.33   Most of the coffees were held in the private residence area of the White House, where some fundraising laws do not apply.
  residence club 0.33   Some call them residence clubs.
  residence hotel 0.33   He ultimately moved into a cold-water residence hotel with other models.
  residence technicality 0.33   The commission had earlier disqualified her on a residence technicality.
  residence building 0.26   The residence buildings, cafeteria and the Pilot Shop are set around a pool.
  residence time 0.26   The presence of hydrogen means they are less stable in the atmosphere, leading to a greatly reduced atmospheric residence time.
  residence visa 0.26   Though her husband had a job, she could not get a residence visa for herself or for two of their three children.
  residence window 0.26   Hostages made desperate pleas Friday for supplies through placards held up to the residence window.
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