republic be 11.72   The republic is safe.
  republic remain 4.02   Moscow insists the republic remains part of Russia.
  republic have 3.03   The republic has a sizeable Muslim population.
  republic secede 1.12   But Moscow says it will never allow the republic to secede.
  republic agree 0.99   Former Soviet republic agrees to clean up stockpiles of anthrax,
  republic consider 0.99   But the republic considers it can hold out.
  republic become 0.86   Then the Soviet republic became independent, civil war broke out, and he lost his job.
  republic border 0.79   The republic borders war-torn Chechnya.
  republic hold 0.59   After three years, each republic could hold a referendum to secede.
  republic struggle 0.59   But the former Soviet republic struggled after the downfall of communism.
  republic survive 0.59   The republic will survive.
  republic declare 0.53   The former Soviet republic declared two days of mourning.
  republic fight 0.53   The two former Soviet republics have long fought for control over the area.
  republic share 0.53   He added that the two republics will not share the same currency.
  republic vote 0.53   After three years, each republic could vote to secede.
  republic fail 0.46   The republic failed to curb its powers.
  republic get 0.46   Bosnian Serb republic is getting smaller.
  republic need 0.46   The prime minister did not explain why the former Soviet republic would need the help.
  republic plan 0.46   The separatist Russia republic is planning to issue its first bonds on Monday.
  republic suffer 0.46   When that happens, the republic will suffer more than it has already.
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