replace one 7.90   Cracked or broken ones should be replaced.
  replace worker 5.07   Those workers would be replaced with others.
  replace part 4.87   The part was replaced.
  replace coach 4.54   He will replace Canadian coach Samuel Buck in January.
  replace system 4.48   The system is being replaced.
  replace equipment 4.28   The equipment can be replaced.
  replace starter 4.21   Parker replaced starter Antonio Daniels in the fifth game.
  replace minister 4.02   Russian president replaces fired ministers.
  replace window 3.88   Replace old windows.
  replace tire 2.90   One tire was replaced twice.
  replace government 2.50   We replaced the government in some places.
  replace veteran 2.50   Ventola had replaced Chilean veteran Ivan Zamorano.
  replace troop 2.44   The troops will be replaced by French forces.
  replace leader 2.37   Who will replace the leaders is unknown.
  replace player 2.37   They can replace players.
  replace man 2.30   But machines have replaced men.
  replace receiver 2.24   Whitlock replaced the receiver.
  replace board 2.17   Damaged fascia boards should be replaced.
  replace manager 2.17   You can replace the manager.
  replace head 2.11   It recently replaced the head of its New York operations.
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