repatriate refugee 7.11   Refugees are now repatriated.
  repatriate profit 4.34   But penalties remained on repatriating profits.
  repatriate revenue 2.37   A stronger dollar leaves more yen in the hands of exporters when repatriating revenues.
  repatriate earnings 1.51   That allows them to book larger profits when they repatriate earnings.
  repatriate body 1.38   A spokesman said that all the bodies would be repatriated.
  repatriate immigrant 1.38   So is his call for immigrants to be repatriated.
  repatriate remains 1.05   Some families still want remains repatriated.
  repatriate fund 0.99   They are already repatriating funds.
  repatriate worker 0.99   However, he said migrant workers would be repatriated.
  repatriate ten 0.79   Wahid said the government would try to reconcile the sides with the goal of repatriating the tens of thousands of people who fled.
  repatriate thousand 0.79   More space has opened up at Guatanamo after U.S. authorities began repatriating thousands of Haitians from Guantanamo to their homeland.
  repatriate hijacker 0.72   Both sides are negotiating an agreement to repatriate hijackers.
  repatriate hundred 0.72   Should Israel repatriate hundreds of thousands of Arabs who fled its territory in wartime and their descendants?
  repatriate money 0.66   Japanese companies also repatriated more money from their subsidiaries overseas.
  repatriate capital 0.59   Japanese investors repatriating capital from abroad convert the foreign-currency proceeds they get into yen.
  repatriate investment 0.53   A rising yen reduces the amount of profit when an overseas investment is repatriated.
  repatriate man 0.46   These men were forcibly repatriated to Krajina by the Serbian government.
  repatriate dollar 0.39   A weak yen boosts the earnings of Japanese exporters when they repatriate dollars earned abroad.
  repatriate people 0.39   China is bound by a treaty with North Korea to repatriate people that cross the border.
  repatriate boatpeople 0.33   Malaysia was the first country in Southeast Asia to repatriate boatpeople by ship.
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