repair shop 19.09   Know your repair shop.
  repair work 17.05   The repair work has claimed one life.
  repair mission 5.60   Details on the unusual repair mission.
  repair crew 5.53   Repair crews were already at work.
  repair job 5.13   You opted for the repair job.
  repair cost 2.70   The key is holding repair costs in check.
  repair effort 2.70   Two high-priority repair efforts are planned as well.
  repair service 2.70   Will you get on-site repair service?
  repair kit 2.24   No repair kit.
  repair company 2.11   -- In general, avoid credit repair companies.
  repair bill 1.71   That repair bill had yet to be paid he added.
  repair business 1.71   He owned a camera repair business in Smyrna.
  repair facility 1.65   It also owns repair facilities that Republic needs.
  repair worker 1.58   To say nothing of a chance to know lots of repair workers.
  repair works 1.51   Repair works are progressing well.
  repair equipment 1.38   The old cargo ship docked with the Mir in July, delivering supplies and repair equipment.
  repair team 1.38   Repair teams managed to restore power to Belgrade within hours.
  repair center 1.32   Is the PC shipped off to some distant repair center?
  repair project 1.25   Road and street repair projects are suspended.
  repair program 1.05   A good disk repair program will clean this up.
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