remind people 6.78   He reminds people of that.
  remind voter 2.90   It will remind voters of past glories.
  remind audience 1.58   Why remind the audience of her thin talents?
  remind investor 1.45   A Labor Department report also reminded investors of the weak economy.
  remind visitor 1.25   A curving row of three-story townhouses reminds some visitors of London.
  remind fan 1.18   He reminded Steelers fans of that recently.
  remind player 1.12   Sampson has reminded his players of this.
  remind reader 1.05   Great sacrifices were made and readers should be reminded.
  remind viewer 1.05   Packer reminded viewers of that point during the first half.
  remind world 0.99   It is a moment to remind the world about the plight of Chechnya.
  remind reporter 0.92   But he reminded reporters of the stern warnings issued Sunday by Gen.
  remind public 0.86   Every time the suit is mentioned, the public will be reminded once more how the truck lifted off the pavement.
  remind team 0.86   The injury reminded both teams of similar incidents.
  remind juror 0.79   Something, perhaps, to remind jurors of former Detective Mark Fuhrman.
  remind listener 0.79   The rattle of machine-gun fire reminded listeners of the danger outside.
  remind resident 0.59   Its residents are reminded of the past everyday, but do not linger there.
  remind student 0.59   The one who sarcastically reminds students they are not fit to breathe his rarefied air?
  remind child 0.53   Davies reminds the child of the attack in the park.
  remind employee 0.53   Downtown companies remind employees of counseling hot lines.
  remind jury 0.53   A subway train, as Samel enjoyed reminding the jury, has no steering wheel.
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