remain part 1.65   At Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa, he remained part of a small minority.
  remain mystery 1.58   Why not remains a mystery.
  remain chairman 0.92   But Hueppi will remain chairman, the company said.
  remain firm 0.86   However he noted interest remained firm in other blue chip counters including HSBC.
  remain friend 0.79   It takes two friends to remain friends, but only one friend to end it.
  remain member 0.46   Bilic added that he would remain a member of the Hajduk management board.
  remain concern 0.39   Internet banking may take longer to establish, as security remains a concern.
  remain leader 0.39   Peres has yet to announce whether he plans to remain party leader.
  remain shut 0.39   One of the centers remained shut Friday after two truckloads of militia made more threats, Ueki said.
  remain matter 0.33   Just why remains a matter of bitter controversy here.
  remain possibility 0.33   Sources told the Globe Thursday that neither Shaheen nor Gephardt remain serious possibilities.
  remain president 0.33   Kumaratunga, meanwhile, will remain president for almost five more years, keeping the constitutional authority to name the cabinet.
  remain patient 0.26   You just try to make your best stroke and remain patient when you miss.
  remain province 0.26   But laws governing the sale, use and licensing of firearms remain the province of the states.
  remain threat 0.26   Only a few still have the expertise to detect Y. pestis and other microbes that remain a threat to the world.
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