relocate headquarters 1.78   Its headquarters will be relocated to Augusta.
  relocate refugee 1.38   NATO relocates refugees from border region.
  relocate resident 1.32   Residents were relocated to high-rises outside of town.
  relocate operation 1.12   Both plan to relocate operations from the suburbs.
  relocate family 0.99   Relocating the families would not be easy.
  relocate team 0.99   But that all changed when Behring tried to relocate the team.
  relocate people 0.86   People were recently relocated to make way for the restoration.
  relocate base 0.66   If the Germans advance, they relocate their base to Jeju.
  relocate office 0.66   Both offices were relocated last year because of flooding.
  relocate hundred 0.59   It also will pay to relocate hundreds of families and tear down their contaminated homes.
  relocate thousand 0.59   Homes and farms will be wiped out, and thousands will be relocated to new dwellings.
  relocate worker 0.59   She did not how many relief workers were relocated.
  relocate tenant 0.53   The planned renovations will require that some tenants be relocated.
  relocate plant 0.46   In the same year, the micro motor plant was relocated to China.
  relocate child 0.39   Citing security reasons Ms. Bhutto relocated her children to the UAE nearly one year ago.
  relocate embassy 0.39   Kyl said relocating the embassy is overdue.
  relocate employee 0.39   Relocating an employee can prove very costly.
  relocate franchise 0.39   But there has been talk of relocating the franchise to Washington, D.C.
  relocate industry 0.39   The immediate action should be to relocate the industries away from the water sources.
  relocate facility 0.33   But other towns have objected, fearing that facilities will be relocated near them.
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