relish chance 4.74   But he would relish the chance.
  relish role 4.67   He relishes the role.
  relish opportunity 4.48   Hart relishes the opportunity.
  relish challenge 3.49   Daly relishes challenges.
  relish idea 3.49   No one should relish that idea.
  relish prospect 3.42   Both relish the prospect.
  relish thought 1.84   Gingrich relishes the thought.
  relish moment 1.51   My family relished the moment.
  relish attention 1.32   Yet Spivey relished the attention.
  relish fight 0.86   Gibbons seemed to relish the fight.
  relish freedom 0.72   I see it as people who relish their freedom.
  relish fact 0.66   I relish the fact.
  relish return 0.59   And they do not relish his return.
  relish victory 0.59   In the meantime, he relishes small victories.
  relish confrontation 0.46   Bryan Fletcher said both players are relishing the confrontation.
  relish experience 0.46   Yes, they relish the experience.
  relish controversy 0.39   But Mowat relishes the controversy.
  relish time 0.39   I relished my time alone.
  relish company 0.33   He relishes the company of corporate executives.
  relish event 0.33   Clinton, a devotee of group discussions, said later that he relished the event.
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