religion class 2.30   Daily religion classes in public schools.
  religion writer 1.38   Richard N. Ostling is AP religion writer.
  religion law 1.25   Few scholars in religion law expected her to win.
  religion professor 1.18   It is an eye-straining job for religion professor Iain Gardner.
  religion bill 0.79   Yeltsin signs controversial religion bill.
  religion course 0.79   Hensley attended a world religions course Brett and Looker taught together.
  religion expert 0.72   Religion experts and other Waco critics said it may have led him to set the fire.
  religion scholar 0.66   Religion scholars date the present-day revival in sacred dance to mid-century.
  religion teacher 0.66   The accident also killed three other high school students and a popular religion teacher.
  religion coverage 0.59   But expansion in media religion coverage is far overshadowed by the changes in religion itself.
  religion editor 0.53   ATTN religion editors.
  religion entry 0.53   Eventually the religion entry was left blank on the ID reproductions.
  religion news 0.46   And it is big religion news.
  religion reporter 0.46   With it, religion reporters seemed to be off and running.
  religion issue 0.39   There is a freedom of religion issue here.
  religion writing 0.39   Religion writing has had ups and downs.
  religion beat 0.33   He befriended me at once, as he did all newcomers to the religion beat.
  religion business 0.33   That gets perilously close to the religion regulation business.
  religion case 0.33   The Supreme Court considered but rejected a second religion case Monday.
  religion column 0.33   Weekly religion column.
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