relevant information 10.66   We received all the relevant information.
  relevant authority 8.29   Both were in contact with relevant authorities, he added.
  relevant document 5.60   Relevant documents were presented in court.
  relevant issue 2.50   Identifying the relevant issues.
  relevant agency 2.44   Corruption in the relevant agencies distorts all plans.
  relevant government 2.17   The transaction is pending relevant government approvals.
  relevant experience 2.11   What constitutes relevant experience?
  relevant factor 2.04   These are all relevant factors.
  relevant question 2.04   It is precisely the relevant question.
  relevant law 1.91   In addition, relevant laws need to be strengthened.
  relevant fact 1.71   For those who missed the story, the relevant facts are these.
  relevant datum 1.65   Be sure to include only relevant data.
  relevant party 1.65   A concerted co-ordinated effort by all relevant parties is required.
  relevant department 1.45   Please contact the relevant department or Faculty for further information.
  relevant evidence 1.45   He also said he thought there was a lack of relevant evidence.
  relevant material 1.32   All of this was relevant material, properly considered by the police.
  relevant legislation 1.18   Relevant European Community legislation.
  relevant body 1.12   Waterlilies, being little known, even to the relevant bodies, posed many problems.
  relevant resolution 1.12   Recalling its previous relevant resolutions,
  relevant ministry 1.05   The relevant ministries had no information yet about the accident.
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