relation be 35.94   Are relations really that bad?
  relation improve 11.85   Relations have improved recently.
  relation remain 7.11   But relations remain testy.
  relation deteriorate 5.99   Relations deteriorated.
  relation sour 4.28   But relations soon soured.
  relation warm 2.63   Relations have since warmed.
  relation begin 2.44   Relations began to improve in recent months.
  relation suffer 2.24   Labor relations have suffered.
  relation continue 2.11   Relations continue to thaw.
  relation worsen 1.97   Relations with Europe worsened.
  relation have 1.91   What relation has the first paragraph to the last?
  relation grow 1.78   Relations grow warmer.
  relation become 1.65   Russians followed when relations between Moscow and Hanoi became tight.
  relation take 1.58   Furthermore, class relations take distinct forms within societies.
  relation appear 1.38   On the surface, social relations appear calm.
  relation thaw 1.05   Relations have thawed in recent years.
  relation cool 0.99   U.S-Russian relations cool over Iraqi crisis.
  relation turn 0.99   But after the election, relations turned sour.
  relation get 0.92   Human relations in space get short shrift at NASA.
  relation go 0.92   Relations went from bad to worse.
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