reimburse state 2.37   Those who quit must reimburse the state.
  reimburse company 2.17   Ms. Dempsey did not reimburse the company.
  reimburse government 2.11   West was told to reimburse the government.
  reimburse cost 1.84   I would be pleased to reimburse any costs incurred.
  reimburse hospital 1.71   Medicare reimburses hospitals in several ways.
  reimburse customer 1.25   Utilities can decide how customers will be reimbursed.
  reimburse city 1.05   Leichter also said the bank should reimburse the city for the millions already received.
  reimburse money 1.05   He too reimbursed the money.
  reimburse country 0.92   A special UN fund will reimburse African countries participating.
  reimburse owner 0.86   In those cases the government would reimburse former owners.
  reimburse expense 0.79   All postage expenses would be reimbursed.
  reimburse donor 0.72   Again, the donors were reimbursed, he said.
  reimburse patient 0.72   The social security budget and mutual societies reimburse patients.
  reimburse employee 0.66   Under the scheme, Fireman later reimbursed the employees.
  reimburse investor 0.66   The government said it will reimburse investors.
  reimburse client 0.59   Blue Cross of Memphis agreed to reimburse its clients for overcharges.
  reimburse district 0.59   The hope was that the state would reimburse the district.
  reimburse doctor 0.53   Doctors are reimbursed separately by Medicare.
  reimburse fund 0.53   The school is in the process of reimbursing the funds.
  reimburse people 0.53   He promised to reimburse people who lost everything when the pyramids collapsed.
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