rehabilitate knee 2.76   Can the knee be rehabilitated?
  rehabilitate image 2.24   Now his image is being rehabilitated.
  rehabilitate injury 1.12   All are rehabilitating various injuries.
  rehabilitate building 0.99   We are rehabilitating buildings, utilities, trade.
  rehabilitate people 0.92   The rest will be used for rehabilitating people.
  rehabilitate offender 0.72   Probation is supposed to help rehabilitate the offender and protect the public.
  rehabilitate back 0.66   Robinson says his back is fully rehabilitated.
  rehabilitate reputation 0.66   His war record rehabilitated his reputation.
  rehabilitate victim 0.66   His delegation also discussed ways of rehabilitating victims.
  rehabilitate prisoner 0.59   The class is run by a group that rehabilitates former prisoners.
  rehabilitate leg 0.53   Though still on crutches, he is rehabilitating the leg with a daily regimen of exercise.
  rehabilitate property 0.53   Money from the Superfund program was used to rehabilitate the property.
  rehabilitate shoulder 0.53   He will continue rehabilitating the shoulder.
  rehabilitate child 0.46   Several group homes in Cotonou are devoted to rehabilitating trafficked children.
  rehabilitate area 0.39   He urged Lebanon to demand that Italy retrieve the waste and rehabilitate contaminated areas.
  rehabilitate country 0.39   Kabbah said he hoped for intensive United States involvement in rehabilitating his country.
  rehabilitate criminal 0.39   Can criminals be rehabilitated?
  rehabilitate economy 0.39   South Korea is struggling to rehabilitate its economy after accepting an International Monetary Fund bailout in December.
  rehabilitate inmate 0.33   Budget cuts came, too, hitting especially hard the programs designed to rehabilitate inmates, Berg said.
  rehabilitate addict 0.26   The clinic rehabilitates drug addicts.
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