reform be 60.04   And reform is a must.
  reform include 8.16   Welfare reform should include time limits.
  reform take 5.60   What form might the reform take?
  reform go 5.00   But reform must go deeper.
  reform have 5.00   But the reforms had a price.
  reform come 3.82   Reforms are coming, no doubt.
  reform make 3.82   His basic reforms make sense.
  reform continue 3.75   And reforms will continue.
  reform help 3.62   Reforms could help.
  reform bring 3.16   The reforms will bring lasting benefits.
  reform begin 2.76   Reform could begin at the beginning.
  reform lead 2.57   The economic reforms have led to major growth.
  reform need 2.44   But reform needs to start now, and it can.
  reform require 2.04   But stimulating reform will require more than a merger.
  reform work 2.04   How well are the reforms working?
  reform aim 1.91   It could also include tax reforms aimed at spurring consumption and investment.
  reform fail 1.78   If his reforms fail, Zhu is easily expendable.
  reform mean 1.65   For the United States, reform means cutbacks.
  reform become 1.58   Only welfare reform became law.
  reform create 1.51   Reform creates instability in Chinese society.
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