redress balance 2.83   He founded Loki to redress the balance.
  redress imbalance 1.25   In a small way, Butler is trying to redress the imbalance.
  redress grievance 0.92   Postmodern architecture offered to redress these grievances.
  redress wrong 0.92   And in most cases, apologizing would not begin to redress wrongs.
  redress inequity 0.72   A fairer sharing of bridge and tunnel profits could help redress this inequity.
  redress problem 0.72   The decision to provide separate jails was aimed at redressing these problems, said Moshin.
  redress situation 0.66   We have to redress this situation.
  redress discrimination 0.46   The Tamil rebels are fighting for a homeland in the north and east to redress alleged discrimination by the majority Sinhalese.
  redress injustice 0.39   It is time to redress the injustices of the past.
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