recycling program 4.28   Recycling programs are sacrosanct.
  recycling bin 3.75   No recycling bin.
  recycling center 2.44   Even more stacks went right to recycling centers.
  recycling plant 2.24   They buy the rest from a recycling plant in Mexico.
  recycling company 1.97   ...the acquisition of a profitable paper recycling company.
  recycling business 1.18   Ford enters auto recycling business.
  recycling effort 1.05   The higher prices spurred more vigorous recycling efforts.
  recycling process 0.92   The plant is very much a recycling process.
  recycling scheme 0.72   ...a recycling scheme.
  recycling facility 0.59   Japan has no recycling facility of its own.
  recycling programme 0.59   The chances of the IMF organizing a major recycling programme were poor.
  recycling system 0.59   More radical reform of the car recycling system is needed.
  recycling project 0.53   He also toured a slag recycling project in the aging steel center of Nowa Huta outside Krakow.
  recycling operation 0.46   Someone wants to build a huge recycling operation.
  recycling centre 0.39   Turn them in to your local recycling centre.
  recycling industry 0.39   Still, the recycling industry has been steadily maturing.
  recycling material 0.39   Often substantial energy savings are achieved by recycling waste materials.
  recycling mill 0.39   The paper is then bundled into bails and sold to paper recycling mills.
  recycling service 0.39   And putting the boot in ... the recycling service for wellies.
  recycling waste 0.39   The emphasis now is on recycling waste.
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