record be 94.80   This record is the Chart.
  record show 53.65   And the record shows it.
  record indicate 13.96   His record indicates otherwise.
  record say 6.58   The records say it.
  record fall 5.27   But records did fall.
  record suggest 3.49   The record suggests otherwise.
  record come 3.09   NCAA records do not come easy.
  record include 3.03   His record includes burglary, larceny and drug charges.
  record have 2.76   How many platinum records have I made?
  record speak 2.70   My record speaks for itself.
  record exist 2.30   Did the records ever exist?
  record remain 2.17   At best, the record remains mixed.
  record stand 2.11   The record stands.
  record go 2.04   Either his world record will go.
  record reveal 2.04   His record reveals a tough streak.
  record contain 1.97   Each record can contain several pages of text.
  record help 1.71   Online records help investigations.
  record make 1.71   Her voting record makes Karl Marx look like Newt Gingrich.
  record prove 1.58   His record proves that.
  record reflect 1.51   His record reflects that philosophy.
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