read book 64.06   I was reading a book.
  read newspaper 25.15   He was reading a newspaper.
  read verdict 19.22   I read the verdict.
  read statement 18.76   Finefrock then read statements.
  read letter 18.04   Have you read that letter?
  read story 15.21   And I read war stories.
  read article 10.99   I read your article today.
  read paper 9.81   Read the paper.
  read report 9.81   Read the report.
  read script 9.08   I read scripts.
  read magazine 8.43   I read magazines.
  read word 7.64   My words!
  read poem 7.11   Why read a poem?
  read message 6.98   You read the messages.
  read label 6.25   Read the labels.
  read novel 5.66   Read a novel.
  read text 5.53   ViaVoice can read back text.
  read lot 5.33   I read a lot.
  read name 5.00   Read the name.
  read speech 4.87   I read the speech.
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