ration water 2.24   Water was severely rationed.
  ration electricity 1.38   Electricity was rationed.
  ration food 1.32   Food is rationed.
  ration fuel 1.18   Fuel was rationed during the war.
  ration supply 0.86   Some boats reportedly were running short of food and rationing supplies.
  ration exercise 0.72   The area where the club is located is not affected by the water rationing exercise.
  ration care 0.53   The state is also rationing the care.
  ration gas 0.53   Gas was rationed.
  ration bread 0.46   Grain shortages have forced some towns to ration bread.
  ration gasoline 0.46   During the war, the government rationed gasoline.
  ration power 0.46   The state electricity company began rationing power.
  ration system 0.46   The military has its own food rationing system, he said.
  ration energy 0.39   Akers rations her energy and adjusts to a new role for the U.S.
  ration service 0.33   Instead, they tend to ration their services by making customers wait.
  ration time 0.33   These are rationing times in baseball when it comes to pitching.
  ration treatment 0.33   Strikers say that would force them to ration treatment and keep them from prescribing enough medicine.
  ration petrol 0.26   It was seven miles away and petrol was still rationed.
  ration target 0.26   The announcement comes after latest statistics show that Brazil will fall short of rationing targets for August.
  ration vaccine 0.26   The shortages have forced doctors to revise normal immunization schedules in order to ration vaccines.
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