rated bond 0.79   Issuers often pay a higher interest rate on unrated than on rated bonds.
  rated player 0.59   I enjoy playing the top rated players.
  rated show 0.53   New York time was its highest rated show all year.
  rated company 0.46   Lower rated companies with needs for cash continue to borrow.
  rated debt 0.46   Highly rated debt enables companies to borrow at lower costs.
  rated investment 0.39   The bond is rated investment grade, according to Pullman, but he declined to be specific.
  rated above-average 0.33   Puritan is rated above-average.
  rated one 0.33   He was once rated one of the top three SEALs in his unit.
  rated issue 0.26   Investors will get the chance to bid on several other highly rated issues.
  rated program 0.26   There are also five games in this highly rated program.
  rated star 0.26   All funds would need to be rated five stars by Morningstar.
  rated triple 0.26   Those securities are rated triple-A as a result.
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