rape woman 23.77   Rape a woman.
  rape girl 8.89   A girl is raped.
  rape child 2.50   In the book, the child is raped by her father.
  rape victim 1.58   His victims were raped and horribly mutilated.
  rape thousand 1.18   Witnesses say they have killed, maimed and raped thousands of civilians.
  rape daughter 1.12   Their daughters are being raped.
  rape boy 0.92   The boy was raped earlier this week.
  rape schoolgirl 0.86   A teenager has been cleared of raping two schoolgirls.
  rape wife 0.86   A man accused of raping his wife has been cleared by a jury at Sheffield Crown Court.
  rape student 0.79   In June an Oxford student was raped in a public toilet.
  rape mother 0.66   One tried to rape his mother.
  rape prisoner 0.59   Radic also is accused of personally raping a prisoner.
  rape sister 0.59   Another sister was raped, and he himself was badly beaten.
  rape civilian 0.53   Armies have raped civilians throughout history, she said, but rape was used differently in the Balkans.
  rape son 0.46   Saudi Arabia said earlier that the flogged doctor had no basis for accusing the principal of raping his son.
  rape man 0.39   Her new book, she confides, will open with a woman raping a man.
  rape minor 0.39   Most suspects are charged with raping a minor.
  rape nun 0.33   Guards in Gutsa Prison raped nuns who were political prisoners and sexually violated them with electric cattle prods.
  rape dozen 0.26   Dozens were systematically raped.
  rape inmate 0.26   Ibrahim said one inmate was raped repeatedly while she was there.
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