rape victim 16.98   Also patron of nurses and rape victims.
  rape charge 12.24   Then came the rape charge.
  rape case 10.86   Rape case closed.
  rape conviction 7.64   The rape conviction.
  rape allegation 2.96   Znidaric has denied the rape allegation.
  rape trial 2.83   The William Kennedy Smith rape trial.
  rape suspect 1.78   Rape suspects would be tested.
  rape scene 1.32   The rape scene was brutal.
  rape accusation 0.86   Consider the handling of three previous rape accusations against Rodeheffor.
  rape attempt 0.79   But a brutal rape attempt on Jean changes both of their lives.
  rape law 0.79   But in the arena of rape law, consent is a progressive idea.
  rape counselor 0.72   Rape counselors offer explanations for this.
  rape investigation 0.66   He has never been charged in a campus rape investigation.
  rape kit 0.53   Prosecutors still had the rape kit, including a semen sample.
  rape survivor 0.53   The program, she says, is dedicated to rape survivors everywhere.
  rape report 0.46   The jury never knew about the other rape report, and Anderson won the case.
  rape count 0.39   Miller was acquitted on the first rape count but convicted on the other.
  rape incident 0.39   The rape incident has led to calls for a reduction of U.S. forces in Okinawa.
  rape story 0.39   We learned something else from those rape stories.
  rape woman 0.39   People carjack ambulances and rape old women.
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