rank in 29.89   How should objectives rank in importance?
  rank with 6.91   Ben can be ranked with them.
  rank near 5.40   China ranked near the bottom.
  rank behind 5.20   Still, men rank far behind women.
  rank at 4.41   Finished the year ranked at number three.
  rank below 2.90   He ranks far below his superior.
  rank up 2.50   It ranks up there in the top two.
  rank on 1.71   Trade issues may rank low on the priority list, analysts say.
  rank alongside 1.32   How does it rank alongside praying in the end zone?
  rank for 1.12   The Utes were ranked for three weeks.
  rank in_the_middle_of 0.79   Its returns consistently rank in the middle of the pack.
  rank of 0.72   Ranking of underwriters.
  rank after 0.66   How the Braves rank after a half-season .
  rank down 0.66   In percentage terms, however, it ranked far down the list.
  rank from 0.66   They are ranked from best to fifth best.
  rank against 0.33   So ask yourself where quick Internet access ranks against the other telecommunications costs in your life.
  rank between 0.26   Los Angeles generally ranked between the two in degree of concern.
  rank during 0.26   No other conference had more than one team ranked during the year.
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