ranch hand 2.76   A ranch hand.
  ranch owner 2.11   Ranch owners forbade it on their property.
  ranch home 1.84   The two live in a ranch home in Oak Grove, Mo.
  ranch land 1.78   Their fathers willed ranch land to their brothers.
  ranch dressing 0.99   Mix dry ranch dressing with oil.
  ranch manager 0.72   Clark radioed ranch manager Matt Swan.
  ranch employee 0.66   Six ranch employees charged along with Jackson were present.
  ranch worker 0.66   Reading was prized among the ranch workers, too, Ramsey said.
  ranch life 0.59   The ranch life was hard.
  ranch property 0.59   Border Patrol agents also fished and hunted on ranch property without permission, he said.
  ranch country 0.46   This is ranch country.
  ranch official 0.39   Ranch officials did not return repeated telephone calls.
  ranch road 0.39   The route is mostly along an old ranch road, making for good footing.
  ranch rodeo 0.39   The Texas Cowboy Reunion has always been a ranch rodeo.
  ranch work 0.39   In winter, Williams kept him on and he did more ranch work, which is common.
  ranch building 0.26   The ranch buildings, made of weathered wood, are located in the secluded southeastern reaches of the park.
  ranch family 0.26   Several ranch families vowed to continue their fight in court.
  ranch headquarters 0.26   Just north of Taos the Millicent Rogers Museum is housed in a former ranch headquarters.
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