rally support 23.63   I intend to rally that support.
  rally troop 4.61   I had to rally the troops.
  rally supporter 2.57   Crystal has rallied his supporters.
  rally opposition 2.50   Putin has sought to rally European opposition to the U.S. plan.
  rally voter 1.84   Nor is Preval likely to rally Haitian voters.
  rally team 1.71   I mean, he rallies our team together.
  rally people 1.45   It was tough to come in and rally people.
  rally force 1.38   They rallied their forces to resist it.
  rally nation 1.18   Franklin D. Roosevelt rallied a nation against fear.
  rally country 1.12   Bush rallied the country to war, a distant concept to generations raised in peace.
  rally crowd 0.92   An organ rallies the crowd.
  rally follower 0.72   It seemed possible, however, that it would have the opposite effect of rallying her followers.
  rally leader 0.72   Lt. Gov. Paul M. Cellucci led a campaign to rally business leaders to its support.
  rally member 0.72   When Woods found out, she rallied committee members to provide Lawson with what she needed.
  rally stock 0.66   Stocks also rallied, buoyed by the expectations of lower interest rates.
  rally man 0.59   Nothing like a little Gallic news from home to rally a man.
  rally party 0.59   Although he has not yet called an election, Mahathir began rallying his party last month.
  rally world 0.59   We will rally the world.
  rally thousand 0.53   The warning strikes began last week and have rallied thousands of workers.
  rally vote 0.53   Most shareholder resolutions rarely rally enough votes to pass.
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