radioactive material 32.19   Another natural hazard is radioactive material.
  radioactive waste 23.90   Radioactive waste is simply spent fuel.
  radioactive substance 6.06   Twice a year, they are tested for tritium, a radioactive substance.
  radioactive isotope 4.08   Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen.
  radioactive leak 4.08   No radioactive leaks were detected.
  radioactive iodine 3.55   Radioactive iodine can cause thyroid disease.
  radioactive element 3.23   Plutonium, a highly radioactive element, causes cancer if inhaled.
  radioactive contamination 3.09   People who took part in the cleanup have feared radioactive contamination.
  radioactive dust 2.50   How much radioactive dust is in my body?
  radioactive fallout 2.44   The accident showered Belarus with radioactive fallout.
  radioactive water 2.24   Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs.
  radioactive gas 1.97   Some radioactive gases were released.
  radioactive cloud 1.71   It also spewed a radioactive cloud across Europe.
  radioactive particle 1.71   Radioactive particles are drifting invisibly on the wind.
  radioactive leakage 1.65   There was also radioactive leakage reported.
  radioactive plutonium 1.51   Highly radioactive plutonium is stored and made into pellets at Tokaimura.
  radioactive fuel 1.32   It is believed to contain tons of radioactive fuel and dust.
  radioactive debris 1.12   He ordered bulldozers that could bury radioactive debris.
  radioactive seed 1.05   He then settled on radioactive seed therapy.
  radioactive cesium 0.92   It has leaked small amounts of plutonium and radioactive cesium.
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