radiation be 4.34   So was radiation.
  radiation cause 2.44   UV radiation causes suntans.
  radiation leak 0.99   No radiation leaked into the environment.
  radiation damage 0.92   Ultraviolet radiation damages DNA in plants.
  radiation escape 0.72   No radiation escaped from the facility, it said.
  radiation affect 0.66   No one knows how many people have been affected by radiation.
  radiation kill 0.66   Too much radiation can kill healthy tissue by damaging blood flow.
  radiation reach 0.46   Their radiation therefore reaches us as visible blue light rather than invisible ultraviolet rays.
  radiation contaminate 0.39   Three thousand factories and defense facilities are contaminated by radiation.
  radiation follow 0.39   Surgery is followed by radiation.
  radiation destroy 0.33   Saks said radiation often destroys these glands, making it tough for patients to swallow or speak.
  radiation do 0.33   Radiation does, however.
  radiation come 0.26   The gamma radiation may come from sprites and blue jets, although direct proof is lacking.
  radiation have 0.26   Gamma radiation has its drawbacks.
  radiation induce 0.26   Eventually, both also died of diseases induced by radiation.
  radiation make 0.26   Radiation can make it less effective.
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