radar detect 7.83   Radar detected only isolated showers.
  radar indicate 6.06   Radar indicated no showers.
  radar be 3.88   So is the radar.
  radar show 3.42   The radar normally shows two kinds of blips.
  radar track 1.32   Radar tracks an average of three mortar shells a day.
  radar pick_up 0.99   Early-warning radars pick up signs of an attack.
  radar lock 0.53   Iraq denies its radar locked on to allied planes.
  radar monitor 0.53   The coastline can now be monitored by radar.
  radar cover 0.46   Thirteen radars will cover Texas.
  radar have 0.39   U.S. officials said last week the radar has to be located in Puerto Rico.
  radar observe 0.33   Isolated showers were observed by radar across the coastal waters moving slowly west.
  radar pose 0.33   Opponents charge the radar poses a cancer threat.
  radar send 0.33   All the weather radars send out radio waves from an antenna.
  radar target 0.33   The pilots say they fire when Iraqi radar targets them.
  radar allow 0.26   The radars allow Iraq to make better use of its surface-to-air missiles.
  radar guide 0.26   The Grand Turk radar guides airplanes going to Miami.
  radar help 0.26   Pentagon testers were also counting on the X-band radar to help them confirm that the warhead had been destroyed.
  radar measure 0.26   Radar measures sea surface height.
  radar spot 0.26   Moore still has not been able to visit one temple spotted by radar.
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