quad salchow 1.05   Goebel came in fifth helped by his quad salchow.
  quad muscle 0.99   The quad muscles above his knees pop into view when he runs.
  quad toe 0.66   Anthony Liu of Australia fell on his first jump, a quad toe.
  quad jump 0.53   Todd Eldredge is going back to the Olympics, and with a quad jump in his repertoire.
  quad attempt 0.46   He omitted the quad attempt on which he fell last week at Detroit.
  quad bike 0.46   Michael Smith was driving the quad bike which ran down a hunt saboteur.
  quad meeting 0.46   The Quad meeting began Thursday.
  quad member 0.33   The aim, they said, was to prevent China from playing the QUAD members off against another.
  quad chair 0.26   At Killington in Vermont, two high-speed detachable quad chairs will replace older chairlifts.
  quad group 0.26   The EU, U.S., Canada and Japan form the Quad group, an informal trade forum.
  quad lift 0.26   There are five double-chair lifts and one quad lift.
  quad lutz 0.26   Last year, he was the only skater to attempt a quad lutz.
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