purchase price 30.68   High purchase price.
  purchase agreement 7.37   Boeing contends PAL breached the purchase agreement.
  purchase order 3.69   Later, you can mail in a purchase order.
  purchase plan 3.03   With more features, direct purchase plans also cost more.
  purchase contract 1.78   He said this delay was included in the purchase contract.
  purchase accounting 1.58   If it is cash, then purchase accounting is required.
  purchase offer 1.12   American General has not revealed which of the two purchase offers it will accept.
  purchase option 1.12   He also said he had not requested the purchase option.
  purchase date 0.99   Chronological by purchase date.
  purchase cost 0.79   Another advantage of fans is their low purchase cost.
  purchase decision 0.79   All purchase decisions will be made by the group.
  purchase requirement 0.72   The sale requires a three-day advance purchase requirement.
  purchase deal 0.66   Several purchase deals fell through before Cassity bought it last year.
  purchase information 0.66   For purchase information, see below.
  purchase program 0.66   The company has continually expanded its stock purchase program.
  purchase consideration 0.46   The purchase consideration will be based on the net tangible assets of Multi-Purpose Finance.
  purchase form 0.46   A piece of nonpushy direct mail without a purchase form?
  purchase record 0.46   The first sought the purchase records of former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
  purchase loan 0.39   Bank One Merrillville is providing purchase loans to buyers.
  purchase money 0.39   In some cases they lend the purchase money.
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